Delphi Delphi Prism Microsoft .NET

Brian's Employment History

Independent Training/Consultancy & Technical Writing

February 1995 onwards.

As a sole trader, this role had me travelling Europe and beyond delivering training, troubleshooting project bottlenecks and seemingly intractable technical problems, delivering technical talks at conferences and user group meetings, working on development projects, mentoring developers, developing reports on systems with regard to current status, identified problems, ways forward and background information on the problems and solutions therein. This role involved many technologies including Delphi, COM, DCOM, C++, .NET, C#, interop.

Contract Delphi developer/consultant, BAE Systems, Somerset

October 2013 to September 2015.

Brought in as a key Delphi technical resource for a client's scheduling project.

Used as go-to troubleshooting resource.

Regularly used as lone skunkworks developer for side projects to shore up the integrity of the testing and continuous integration systems for this comprehensive project.

Contract C# developer, UBS Investment Bank, London

December 2005 to April 2009.

Main developer in a splinter team building side projects off the main department flagship product, typically C# ASP.NET web sites using JavaScript, AJAX, Flex, Delphi and Sybase technologies.

Key achievements:

Borland International (UK) Limited

Twyford, Berkshire, May 1990 to January 1995.

Borland was a pioneer in the use of object-oriented technology and at one time was the world's leading supplier of development tools for personal computers.

Other Employment

Contract Applications Programmer, Apr 1990-May 1990, PPG Ltd., Slough.

Designing and implementing a world-wide forecasting spreadsheet system in Microsoft Excel.

About Brian Long
Education and skills

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