
Using C# to Develop for iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad

Brian Long Consultancy & Training Services Ltd.
February 2012

Accompanying source files available through this download link

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Device Rotation

You’ll doubtless be aware that many iPhone applications respond to you rotating the phone 90 degrees by reorganizing their UI to display appropriately in a landscape manner instead of portrait.

Note: the iPhone Simulator can be rotated using the menu items Hardware, Rotate Left (or Command) and Hardware, Rotate Right (or Command).

The main underpinning to this support is the ShouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation() virtual method of the view controller class. When the phone is rotated this method is called with the new orientation (Portrait, LandscapeLeft, PortraitUpsideDown or LandscapeRight) and the method returns true or false depending on whether the app should be rotated to that match that orientation. Returning true regardless means the app will rotate around as the phone is rotated, but won’t reorganize per se. In the case of a simple form like this app’s main form, just containing a Table View, that would be enough as the Table View will fill up the available space:

Table view rotated to landscape

However, something like GPS View Controller screen will require more attention given the variety of controls. If we leave things as they are the Map View will not be visible and there would be blank space on the right.

We still need ShouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation() to return true but we also need to implement WillAnimateRotation() to act on the rotation and re-jig the control layout. A helper routine, SetupUIForOrientation(), will be used that takes the new UI orientation.


Additionally we will need to call the helper routine from ViewDidAppear given the phone could be in any orientation when the GPS Page is invoked.

At the start of ViewDidAppear() add:

if ((InterfaceOrientation == UIInterfaceOrientation.LandscapeLeft) || (InterfaceOrientation == UIInterfaceOrientation.LandscapeRight))

This helper routine will look at the orientation and locate the Map View accordingly, either below the labels in portrait modes or to the right of them in landscape modes.

private void SetupUIForOrientation(UIInterfaceOrientation orientation)
    //iPhone is 320x480
    //iPad is 768x1024
    var DeviceHeight = (int)UIScreen.MainScreen.Bounds.Height;
    var DeviceWidth = (int)UIScreen.MainScreen.Bounds.Width;
    const int NavBarHghtPortrait = 44;
    const int NavBarHghtLandscape = 32;
    const int TextLabelsWidth = 270;
    const int TextLabelsHeight = 257;
    var AppFrame = UIScreen.MainScreen.ApplicationFrame;
    if ((orientation == UIInterfaceOrientation.Portrait) || (orientation == UIInterfaceOrientation.PortraitUpsideDown))
        mapView.Frame = RectangleF.FromLTRB(0, TextLabelsHeight, 
            DeviceWidth, AppFrame.Height - NavBarHghtPortrait);
        mapView.Frame = RectangleF.FromLTRB(TextLabelsWidth, 0, 
            DeviceHeight, AppFrame.Width - NavBarHghtLandscape);

The constants have been worked out manually. The full screen resolution (in points) is given by UIScreen.MainScreen.Bounds (320 wide by 480 high in iPhones) and the available space on screen, taking into account the status bar, is given by UIScreen.MainScreen.ApplicationFrame. The dimensions of the Map View are calculated using these various dimensions.

GPS app rotated in the Simulator

For example, in landscape mode (shown above) the Map View needs its left border placed after the full width of the text labels area and its top at the topmost pixel, 0, which will be immediately below the status bar and Navigation bar. Its right needs to be the rightmost pixel on the screen, given by the screen ‘height’, and the bottom border will be at the bottom of the landscape screen, which is the application frame width (screen ‘width’ minus status bar height) minus the height of the Navigation Bar.

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